Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2, Discussion Topic 1

Week 2, Discussion Topic 1

Q Topic 1: Senior Capstone Project Assignment: Ideas Your Senior Capstone Project requires you to conduct an extensive research project grounded in real-world issues and problems related to your own professional interests in Communication Studies. Your work on this project will be conducted in stages, and you will be responsible for presenting pieces of your work as discussion activities and for peer review and/or your instructor's grading at various times during the course. You should select the project that reflects your discipline or communication career interests. Your choices are: • Option 1: Research Report • Option 2: Business Report or Business Proposal • Option 3: Executive Speech • Option 4: Media Kit These assignment options are detailed in the Senior Capstone Project Options and Requirements document under Course Resources > Senior Capstone Project Toolkit here in our classroom. For this discussion, please review the Senior Capstone Project descriptions in that Senior Capstone Project Toolkit document. Once you have carefully read through and reflected on these materials, please post a response that answers the following: • Which of the assignments seem most interesting to you? • Have you taken the courses recommended for the project option(s) you're interested in? Please list the semester and year that you completed each course. (Suggested prerequisites can be found in the Senior Capstone Project Options & Requirements document in the Course Resources module listed to the left of your classroom screen.) • How would you approach this assignment? • What questions do you have about this assignment? The purpose of this discussion is to help you generate ideas for your Senior Capstone Project. You must submit a formal project proposal to your instructor by the end of Week 3. Please post your initial response to this discussion prompt by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday. Then, respond to the initial posts of at least two other students by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Saturday. Continue your conversations through the end of the course week.

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I would choose Option 1: Research Report for completing my Senior Capstone Project Assignment. This is because I feel that Option 1: Research Report would be the most interesting of all the assignments. I can take my time and complete my research by starting as early as possible. I can also research from wherever I want. I can research about my chosen Research Topic about Communication from online and offline journals, articles, etc. However, I know that I must choose online and offline journals, articles, etc. which are scholarly in nature and genre.